Call for Proposals to implement Youth-Led Social Mobilization Campaign in Morocco - NewBalancejobs

Call for Proposals to implement Youth-Led Social Mobilization Campaign in Morocco

Call for Proposals to implement Youth-Led Social Mobilization Campaign in Morocco

The UN Women has launched a call for proposals to identify a local implementing youth-led National Youth CSO or a women’s CSO with leverage on young people in Morocco to roll out the youth-led social mobilization campaign through mobilizing youth.

The CSO should mobilize youth through constant and massive calls for action to young men and women to challenge discriminatory gender norms and promote the involvement of men and boys in caregiving and household responsibilities.

  • Mustering adequate levels of social mobilization to reduce the gender gap in time spent on unpaid care by 60 minutes in among the target audiences of the social mobilization campaign in each of the three countries (Egypt, Morocco and Jordan), especially through effectively engaging men and boys to equally participate in household responsibilities, accordingly, increasing participation of women in the paid workforce. This will be achieved through a specific call for action of the social mobilization campaign to increase the involvement of young men in unpaid care and household responsibilities. The campaign will be implemented in the Arab States region, and it will require that the CSO coordinates with UN Women, the Youth Advisory Group, and a regional communications agency (recruited by UN Women Regional Office for the Arab States) to implement the activities in Morocco.

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Funding Information
  • The budget range for this proposal should be 2,000,000 – 2,500,000 MAD.
  • The youth social mobilization campaign timelines start in October 2024 and ends in September 2026. Final reporting is to be submitted at most two months after completion of the project.
Target Audience
  • Primary Audience: 50,000 young men and young women from each country (aged 18- 35) who will take part in the campaign.
  • Secondary Audience: More than 200,000 people per country impacted by the actions of the primary audience through the youth-led campaign in each country.
Eligibility Criteria
  • UN Women is soliciting proposals from Civil Society Organizations. Women’s organizations or entities are highly encouraged to apply.
  • Technical functional competencies required:
    • A civil society organization (CSO) with:
      • Recognized expertise on youth engagement.
      • Demonstrated experience in working on initiatives to promote gender equality.
      • Strong financial management and administration structure with a capacity to recruit new employees, manage.
      • Budgets, provide training and capacity-building activities, and manage data and knowledge products.
      • Strong secure record-keeping and data management ability.
      • Reporting skills for drafting progress monitoring reports to UN Women as required.
      • Willingness to cooperate with UN Women for the Monitoring and Evaluation of the activities.
      • A well-structured governance system (e.g., board of directors trustees, well-defined organogram, well-defined management, and administration roles, etc.)
      • Capacity to conduct qualitative and statistical contextual analysis.
      • Complies with full registration and legal requirements of the government authorities of Morocco.
    • Other competencies, which while not required, can be an asset for the performance of services:
      • Women’s feminist CSOs are encouraged to apply.
      • Experience in promoting positive masculinities would be an added value.
      • Monitoring and evaluation relevant experience.

For more information, visit UN Women.

Deadline: 16-Sep-2024