Why are whole foods Expensive? | See why - NewBalancejobs
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Why are whole foods Expensive? | See why

Whole Foods, Clearwater is the most expensive grocery store in America. For most shoppers, it is common to wonder Why are Whole Foods Expensive? Let’s see why.

The truth is that not everything sold at Whole Foods Clearwater is expensive. However, the goods at Whole Foods are costly because they offer high-quality goods and services top-notch customer service, among others.

This article looks at everything you should know about the high cost of goods at Whole Foods Clearwater.

Whole Foods Market sells unprocessed or slightly processed foods considered more healthy than processed food. Most food items sold at this grocery store are natural — free from artificial food additives.

This is why most consumers trust Whole Foods Clearwater for their grocery shopping. But the fact remains that Whole Foods costs close to 15% more than a typical grocery store in the US.

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5 Reasons Why Whole Foods are Expensive

Let’s go into details about what makes Whole Foods cost so much.

1. High-quality ingredients.

The quality of ingredients used in producing goods in whole foods is high standard. When you shop in this grocery store, you don’t have to check the labels for toxic ingredients.

Whole foods have banned the use of so many ingredients such as:

  • Artificial sweeteners, colors, or flavors
  • Preservatives
  • Hydrogenated fats
  • High-fructose corn syrup

Food items containing these ingredients cannot be found in Whole Foods Clearwater. This is one of the reasons why Whole Foods are expensive.

2. Healthier Meat and Dairy standards

Aside from using high-quality ingredients, Whole Foods are strict about the standard of additives added to meat and dairy.

There’s 5-step animal welfare that all farmers and ranchers working with them must follow.

Here are some of these standards:

  • Zero added growth hormones
  • Antibiotics are prohibited on animals
  • No animal by-products in feed

Also, sheep, cattle, and goats must spend at least 2/3 of their pasture lives.

Aside from kosher turkey, all meat sold in the meat department meets the animal welfare standards set by the Global Animal Partnership.

With this scrutiny, you are sure of getting healthy meat but at an expensive rate.

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3. High environmental standards

In 2008, Whole Foods stopped using plastic grocery sacks. Almost all their stores recycle more than they send to the landfill these days.

However, their cleaning products are also eco-friendly.
They introduced an eco scale for cleaning products.

This scale ranks products based on the following:

  • Environmental impact
  • Safety
  • Ingredients (formaldehyde, phosphates, etc.)
  • Animal testing

These ratings are green, yellow, orange, or red. Whole Foods won’t sell such products if any product falls in the red category.

How Much Does Whole Foods Cost?

Even though there’s a fluctuation of prices of goods from time to time, Whole Foods remains at the top as long as prices are involved.

Let’s compare the prices of fruit like Banana at Whole Foods to another grocery store like Target. At Whole Foods, bananas are sold for about $0.99; meanwhile, it may cost only about $0.20 or less to get a similar quantity at Target.

Another example is the cost of peanuts which is about $2.79 at Whole Foods, while sold for $1.79 at Target.

Things You Shouldn’t Consider Buying at Whole Foods?

As mentioned earlier, not everything you will find in Whole Foods is expensive. However, If you are trying to save some money, you should avoid buying the following food items from Whole Foods because they are relatively costly there.

  • Gluten-free products
  • Meats
  • Prepared food
  • Salad from a salad bar, and
  • Kitchen staples

Kindly note that the goods mentioned above are still being sold off at Whole Foods Clearwater. The fact they are expensive doesn’t mean people don’t buy them.

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The primary reason Whole Foods is expensive is the effort and resources they put in making sure their goods and services are of the highest quality.

If you’re more concerned about buying food items with little or no additives, you may have to overlook their high prices and shop there.

This article was written to give you in-depth knowledge on why Whole Foods are expensive.

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