Unrestricted Funding: Uplifting Athletes Young Investigator Draft Grant

Unrestricted Funding: Uplifting Athletes Young Investigator Draft Grant ($20,000 Grant in US & Canada)

$20,000 Unrestricted Funding: Uplifting Athletes Young Investigator Draft Grant (US & Canada)

Uplifting Athletes (UAI) is seeking rare disease patient advocacy organizations who have identified a promising young investigator to be nominated for the Young Investigator Draft Grant and to support scientists in the early stages of a rare disease research career, such as postdoctoral or clinical fellows.

The Young Investigator Draft is the result of Uplifting Athletes’ ongoing commitment to cultivating resources that accelerate scientific advancements for rare disease treatments and potential cures while celebrating the next generation of rare disease researchers. The Young Investigator grants fund research that is collaborative and translational. The Young Investigator Draft stage provides a platform to recognize these scientists, spread awareness of their efforts, and highlight the importance of their research, along with its future impact on the rare community.

The Goals of the Young Investigator Draft
  • To fund current and aspiring young investigative rare disease researchers.
  • To share the unique platform they have developed with patient advocacy organizations and researchers. Furthermore, the Young Investigator Draft hopes to engage with patient-focused advocacy organizations emphasizing research within their disease state. Uplifting Athletes works with advocacy organizations that prioritize research and support researchers who understand the needs of the patient community and are working to resolve those unmet and underserved needs. Uplifting Athletes will provide the Young Investigator Draft stage as a platform to celebrate and elevate these investigative rare disease researchers.

Apply Also: McKinsey & Company Young Leaders Program (Internship For African graduates)

Funding Information
  • The grant will be for a minimum of $20,000 USD ($10,000 USD from UAI and a matching $10,000 USD from the nominating advocacy organization).
  • It will be issued to the institution of the young investigative researcher with the caveat that the funds will be used at the sole discretion of the identified young investigator to move their research forward.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Nonprofit 501(c)(3) with a specific focus on rare disease(s) and an emphasis on research within that disease state.
  • Located in the US or Canada.
  • Patient advocacy organization that is willing and able to match Uplifting Athletes $10,000 grant to the nominated and selected researcher.
  • Has an established Medical and/or Scientific Advisory Board with advanced knowledge of the disease(s) that are the focus of the advocacy organization.
  • Who Qualifies as a Young Investigator?
    • A clinical or basic researcher (MD, DO, PhD, or international equivalent) working in the US or Canada who is currently in a mentored academic position, i.e. postdoctoral training at an academic medical institution, AND either A) within ten years of obtaining their doctoral degree at the time of grant submission OR B) within five (5) years of initiating rare disease research.
    • Mentors must be in the proposed research field from the sponsoring institution, assume responsibility, and guide the research.
    • Be planning, or actively engaged in, an investigative career in rare disease research. An institutional commitment for a faculty appointment is not required at the time of grant submission. Still, the applicant should work in a rare disease laboratory or clinical research setting.
    • Eligible applicants may hold only one grant from Uplifting Athletes at a time.
  • Funds from UAI may not be used for indirect costs (including tuition remission).
  • The grant may not be renewed.
  • No-cost extensions are strongly encouraged.
  • Funds must be granted to nonprofit institutions/organizations or federal government labs operating in the US or Canada. However, US citizenship is not required.
  • the US or Canada. However, US citizenship is not required.
  • Institutional Review Board (IRB) approval is expected to be sought when studies in humans are planned. Animal Care Committee approval is required for animal studies.

How to Apply

For more information, visit Uplifting Athletes.

Deadline: 23-Sep-2024