Travel Grants for Civil Society Organizations (EUR1,500)

Call-for-Application: Travel Grants for Civil Society Organizations (EUR1,500)

The Transatlantic Foundation (TF), in cooperation with the Black Sea Trust for Regional Cooperation program of the German Marshall Fund of the United States, is launching a dedicated call for proposals for individual travel grants aimed at fostering regional networking, exchange, and cooperation among Civil Society Organization (CSO) representatives, civic activists and leaders, informal groups representatives from the six Eastern Partnership (EaP) countries.

This initiative complements the program (Enhancing the Resilience of Civil Society in the Eastern Partnership (ERICS-EaP)) by providing opportunities for CSO representatives, civic activists and leaders, informal groups representatives to actively engage in existing regional networks, forums, and cooperative endeavors.

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  • Facilitate participation of CSO representatives, civic activists and leaders, informal groups’ representatives in ongoing regional networking activities.
  • Facilitate the exchange of ideas, best practices, and knowledge sharing among civic actors across the EaP region.
  • Increase the visibility of civil society initiatives within the Eastern Partnership.
Funding Information
  • BST will award 50 travel grants over the course of the next two years and a half of maximum 1,500 EUR each to enable CSO representatives, civic activists and leaders, informal groups’ representatives to participate in existing regional networking events, forums, and cooperative initiatives.
  • The grants are intended to support travel expenses incurred by civil society representatives for active participation in this type of activities and events.
Eligibility Criteria
  • CSO representatives including leaders, staff, volunteers, civic activists and leaders, informal groups’ representatives based/active in one of the six EaP countries (exception: exiled CSOs).
  • CSO representatives, civic activists and leaders, informal groups’ representatives actively engaged in the organization’s activities and capable of contributing meaningfully to regional networking events.
  • The participation of the CSO representatives, civic activists and leaders, informal groups’ representatives should contribute to the goals and development of their organization.

How to apply

For more information, visit GMFUS.

Deadline: Ongoing Opportunity