How To Study And Live In Canada - NewBalancejobs

How To Study And Live In Canada

Canada is a top destination for international students, known for its high-quality education system, diverse cultural environment, and welcoming communities. Studying in Canada offers numerous benefits, including access to world-class universities, a multicultural experience, and opportunities for work during and after your studies. Whether you are looking to pursue a degree, diploma, or certificate program, Canada provides a wide range of educational opportunities to suit your interests and career goals.

The process of studying and living in Canada involves several steps, including choosing a program, applying for a study permit, and preparing for life in a new country. This guide aims to provide comprehensive information on how to navigate these steps successfully. From understanding visa requirements to finding part-time jobs and knowing what documents you need, we cover all the essential aspects of becoming an international student in Canada.

Read Also: How does the Canada Student Visa Work?

Living in Canada as a student also means experiencing its rich culture, natural beauty, and high quality of life. You’ll have the chance to explore stunning landscapes, engage in various recreational activities, and build a network of friends from around the world. With careful planning and preparation, studying in Canada can be a rewarding and life-changing experience.

Entry Level Jobs for Immigrants

Finding a part-time job while studying in Canada can provide valuable work experience, help cover living expenses, and enhance your language skills. Many international students take advantage of the opportunity to work during their studies, as Canadian regulations allow students to work up to 20 hours per week during academic sessions and full-time during scheduled breaks. Common entry-level jobs for students include positions in retail, hospitality, customer service, and on-campus employment.

Retail jobs are widely available and can include roles such as sales associates, cashiers, and stock clerks. These positions often offer flexible hours that can accommodate a student’s class schedule. Working in retail not only provides a steady income but also helps students develop customer service and communication skills, which are valuable in any career.

The hospitality industry is another major employer of students, with opportunities in restaurants, hotels, and cafes. Jobs such as waitstaff, baristas, and hotel front desk clerks are common among international students. These positions offer the chance to interact with a diverse group of customers and colleagues, improving language proficiency and cultural understanding.

Customer service roles, particularly in call centers and service departments, are also popular among students. These jobs require strong communication skills and the ability to handle customer inquiries and complaints effectively. Working in customer service can be a great way to gain experience in problem-solving and interpersonal communication, which are essential skills for many professional fields.

On-campus employment is another excellent option for international students. Universities and colleges often hire students for roles such as research assistants, library aides, and administrative support. These jobs not only provide convenience, as they are located within the campus, but also allow students to build connections within their academic community and gain experience related to their field of study.

Visa Requirements for Employment in Canada

To study and work in Canada, international students must obtain a study permit. This permit not only allows students to pursue their education but also grants the ability to work part-time during their studies. The requirements for obtaining a study permit include a letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution (DLI), proof of sufficient funds to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and return transportation, as well as a clean criminal record and a medical exam, if required.

Students must also demonstrate that they intend to leave Canada upon completion of their studies, although many pathways exist for students to remain in Canada post-graduation. In addition to the study permit, some students may need to apply for a work permit if they wish to participate in co-op or internship programs that are part of their academic curriculum. This work permit allows students to gain practical experience in their field of study.

After graduation, international students may apply for a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP), which allows them to work in Canada for up to three years. The PGWP is an excellent opportunity for graduates to gain valuable work experience, which can help in applying for permanent residency through programs such as the Canadian Experience Class (CEC) or Provincial Nominee Programs (PNPs).

It’s important to understand the specific requirements and regulations associated with each type of permit to ensure compliance and make the most of the opportunities available for studying and working in Canada.

Salary Scale for Immigrants

Below is a table outlining the average salary scales for various entry-level and mid-level positions commonly held by international students and immigrants in Canada:

Job PositionAverage Annual Salary (CAD)
Sales Associate$27,000 – $34,000
Cashier$22,000 – $28,000
Stock Clerk$26,000 – $32,000
Waitstaff$24,000 – $30,000
Barista$23,000 – $29,000
Hotel Front Desk Clerk$28,000 – $35,000
Customer Service Representative$30,000 – $40,000
Research Assistant$32,000 – $40,000
Library Aide$25,000 – $32,000
Administrative Support$30,000 – $38,000

These salary ranges can vary depending on factors such as location, level of experience, and specific employer. It’s essential to research industry standards and negotiate your salary to ensure fair compensation.

Application Requirements and Documents

Applying to study and work in Canada involves several key steps and requires specific documents. Here is a list of essential application requirements and documents typically needed:

  1. Letter of Acceptance: A letter of acceptance from a designated learning institution (DLI) in Canada.
  2. Study Permit Application: A completed study permit application form, which can be submitted online or through a visa application center.
  3. Passport: A valid passport with at least six months of validity remaining.
  4. Proof of Funds: Evidence of sufficient funds to cover tuition fees, living expenses, and return transportation. This can include bank statements, proof of scholarship or funding, and a letter of financial support from a sponsor.
  5. Language Proficiency Test Results: Proof of language proficiency in English or French, such as IELTS, TOEFL, or TEF results.
  6. Medical Examination: Depending on your country of residence and length of stay, a medical examination may be required to ensure you meet health standards.
  7. Police Clearance Certificate: A police clearance certificate from your home country or any country where you have lived for six months or more.
  8. Study Plan: A detailed study plan explaining why you want to study in Canada, your educational goals, and how studying in Canada will benefit your future.
  9. Passport-sized Photos: Recent passport-sized photos that meet the Canadian visa photo requirements.

Ensuring all documentation is accurate and complete will help streamline the application process and increase your chances of approval.

Employment Websites to Find Opportunities

There are numerous employment websites where international students and immigrants can find job opportunities in Canada. These platforms provide a range of job listings across various industries and skill levels. Here are some of the top employment websites to consider:

  1. Job Bank: The official job site of the Government of Canada, offering a comprehensive list of job opportunities across the country.
  2. Indeed: A popular job search engine that aggregates listings from various sources, including company websites and job boards.
  3. LinkedIn: A professional networking platform where you can connect with employers, join industry groups, and find job listings.
  4. Workopolis: A Canadian job board with a wide range of job listings, including opportunities for international students and immigrants.
  5. Monster Canada: Another major job board that offers job listings, career advice, and resources for job seekers.
  6. Glassdoor: A job search platform that provides company reviews, salary information, and job listings.
  7. Eluta: A Canadian job search engine that aggregates job postings from employers’ career websites.
  8. SimplyHired: A job search engine that lists job opportunities from various sources, including company websites and job boards.

These websites are valuable resources for finding job opportunities in Canada. By regularly checking these platforms and setting up job alerts, you can stay informed about new openings and increase your chances of finding a job while studying in Canada.


Studying and living in Canada offers international students an excellent opportunity to receive a world-class education while experiencing the country’s diverse and inclusive culture. By understanding the process of obtaining a study permit, exploring entry-level job opportunities, and preparing the necessary documentation, you can make a smooth transition to life in Canada.

Working part-time while studying can provide valuable work experience, help cover living expenses, and enhance your language skills. It’s important to familiarize yourself with the visa requirements and ensure you have all the necessary documents to support your application. Utilizing employment websites and networking platforms can significantly improve your job search efforts, helping you find suitable opportunities that align with your skills and interests.

Canada’s welcoming attitude towards immigrants and international students, combined with its high quality of life and diverse job market, makes it an ideal destination for those seeking to further their education and build a successful future. With careful planning and preparation, studying and living in Canada can be a rewarding and transformative experience.