How to Respond to Sorry for Your Loss - NewBalancejobs

How to Respond to Sorry for Your Loss

Mirabel was caught up in her loss after the death of her parents, she lost her job that same week. Friends, Families, colleagues, etc kept trooping into her home, her phone never stopped ringing and notifications never stopped popping up. Most of the words and messages from people to her for comfort was I am sorry for your loss.”

Just as Mirabel kept getting I am sorry for your loss, the same way an average human uses the word ‘I am sorry for your loss’  when comforting people for their loss of job, death of loved ones, etc.

What to say when someone says sorry for your loss is one of the most frequent questions on the mind of people. For someone grieving, the healing process takes a very long time, which makes those grieving at a loss for words.

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How to Respond to Sorry for Your Loss

I could remember when I lost my grandfather back then in primary six, our house got filled with people from the neighborhood, families I had never seen, friends of my parents and grandfather.

The only constant thing uttered by them all was sorry for your loss and I watched as my parents alongside other family members kept saying “Thank you.” Since that day, the statement felt weird to me and I remembered when we lost another family member recently and we were told to call to greet.

I got conversing with my sis asking her what we will say to the wife. She said “The only thing we can say is sorry for your loss, ma. Then leave her with a word of prayer.”

I was never satisfied with the reply, so I pushed the conversation further by asking “Why is that the only statement for comfort? How does the person feel when they keep receiving that from people and what do you say when someone says sorry for your loss?”

My question threw her off-guard as I clearly remember her saying “Emmanuella, what kind of question is this? That is how I’ve seen people being comforted in movies, books, and in reality.

After the conversation, I made up my mind to avoid any location I will have to comfort anyone for their loss because most people find it uncomfortable and are always at a loss for what to say when someone says sorry for your loss.

To someone, it sounds weird, intuitive, etc. However, people who utter this statement mean no harm, they care about you and do want to comfort you, and that’s the only easiest thing that comes to their mind for comfort. Irrespective of how you feel, you are to say something when someone says sorry for your loss.

What do you say? How do you respond? Find out by reading to the end.

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Sample Response What to Say When Someone Says Sorry For Your Loss

1) When someone you are not familiar with says that to you at the funeral, you can reply by saying “Thank you, that’s very kind of you, I appreciate you.”

2) When the acquaintance of the deceased says that, you reply by saying “Thank you, I know this is hard for you as well, we will overcome the pains together.” This is so because you are not the only one who has a relationship with the deceased, the acquaintances are grieving too.

3) You might not feel like saying much, a simple “Thank you, your sympathy means a lot to me.”

4) There are some people you’ve seen in a very long time, when you eventually get to see them and they say that to you, the best way to respond to I am sorry for your loss is “Thank you, it is great to see you again, but I’m sorry we had to meet like this.”

5) Thank you for remembering me, it means a lot.

6) Thank you. She lived a good life, I’m sure she’s in a better place and does not want us to be sad.

7) This is hard for me, but thank you, I do appreciate it.

8) I appreciate your condolence. Thank you.

9) Thank you, This means so much to me.

10) Thank you, your comfort is well received.

11) Thank you, I’m grateful for your words and support.

12) Thank you, your sympathies are appreciated.

13) I’ve been distant, but I appreciate your words. Thank you.

14) Thank you, God bless you.

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When it comes to what to say when someone says sorry for your loss, the first thing that should always precede every other word is “Thank you.” This is to make the person know that you do understand their care and know that their thoughts are with you without mockery.

It can be difficult replying, but the response above is the best way to respond to people when they say sorry for your loss either through calls, texts, social media, or physically.

I pray we won’t have any cause to mourn over any of our loved ones at this period, for everyone grieving at this point, I pray God grants you peace and healing. Have you ever heard the statement “I am sorry for your loss?” How did you respond to I am sorry for your loss and how did you feel about it? You can share your experience using the comment section.