Request for Application: Low Value Grant in Macedonia

Request for Application: Low Value Grant in Macedonia

The United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) has issued a request for proposals (RFPs) to provide Low Value Grants (LVGs) for Civil Society Organizations (CSOs) to support the implementation of innovative programs that facilitate business start-ups and foster productive partnerships with local businesses, thereby promoting the socio-economic integration of returnees.

“Strengthen national and local systems to support the effective socio-economic integration of returnees in the Western Balkans” Project was developed by UNDP in partnership with EU to respond to the challenges of implementation of the strategies for migration and reintegration of returnees at local level.

The project is part of the IPA II Multi-Country Action Programme of the EU support to fundamental rights of Roma community, and reintegration of returnees, which has been entrusted to the WB, UNDP and the CoE.

The Project continues to enhance the ability of Western Balkan authorities at central and local level to implement comprehensive models for reintegration of returnees. The project addresses the broader social inclusion agenda promoting the socio-economic well-being and tackling the root causes and negative drivers of migration of Roma and vulnerable populations.

  • The objectives of this Request for Proposal are to engage local CSOs/NGOs in Shtip, Shuto Orizari and Prilep which will offer innovative programmes for supporting business start-up and productive partnership with local business as a part of socio-economic integration of returnees.
  • Interested CSOs/NGOs are invited to submit proposals with activities that will contribute towards achievement of the following results:
    • Strengthened capacity of returnees in the labour market:
      • Increase Employment Opportunities: Provide vocational and custom-made training for unemployed returnees to equip them with specific skills tailored to various industries, enhancing their employability, especially for those who face barriers due to a lack of formal education.
      • Increase Economic Independence: Empower individuals to secure jobs or start their own businesses, leading to financial independence and improved living standards through practical skill acquisition.
      • Improve Social Inclusion: Facilitate the integration of marginalized individuals into the workforce, promoting social inclusion and reducing stigmatization through targeted training programmes.
      • Improve Personal Empowerment: Boost self-esteem and confidence by enabling individuals to acquire new skills, empowering them to take control of their lives and make positive changes.
      • Breaking the Cycle of Poverty: Provide a pathway out of poverty for those in vulnerable situations by offering stable and sustainable income opportunities through vocational training and job placement.
      • Strengthen local value chains: Enhance the potential of the business environment by supporting the development and reducing gaps in local value chains through targeted vocational training.
  • Focusing on Vocational training for vulnerable groups- returnees can lead to a more inclusive and equitable society where everyone can succeed and contribute, following objective are also to be achieved:
    • Increased awareness within the local community: Enhance understanding and recognition of the project’s benefits among local community members.
    • Activation of unemployed returnees in the labor market: Support unemployed returnees in establishing new businesses (startups), thereby promoting their active participation in the labor market.
    • Provision of psychosocial and mediation support: Beyond socio-economic inclusion, offer psychosocial or mediation support to help returnees stay motivated and engaged. This includes facilitating communication and negotiation between training providers and trainees to resolve conflicts, misunderstandings, attendance issues, and other barriers to successful training, ultimately leading to self-employment or employment.
    • Increased outreach and participation of Roma returnees: Enhance outreach and participation of Roma returnees in employment support activities and services, thereby improving their employability and activation in the labor market.
    • Strengthen Productive Partnerships: Enhance outreach and participation of Roma returnees in employment support activities and services, thereby improving their employability and activation in the labor market.

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  • The duration of the assignment is envisaged to be 4 months, starting from 15th of August 2024 till 16th of December 2024.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Interested local CSOs/NGOs must meet the following mandatory criteria:
    • To be registered (legal entity registration) minimum 2 years.
    • To prove that the applicant has experience in financial management with at least 450,000 MKD turnover over the period of 2 years.
    • To prove that the applicant has the organizational capacity to implement projects or activities with a team of at least 2 members.
    • At least 1 year of experience in providing any administrative or similar advisory/mentoring services to vulnerable groups of people (such as: Roma, Returnees, Youth, Women at social risk ect.), with the aim to facilitate their socio-economic inclusion in the community. Applicants that have experience in provision of services for Roma returnees’ access to administrative procedure for obtaining personal and other documentation from the home country would be considered as an asset.
    • The applicant should include in the project proposal a management structure that includes a team of two members: a) Employment/administration advisor and b) psychosocial/mediation advisor. The qualification requirements and experience of the proposed team members are presented below.
  • Qualification requirements and experience for the Employment/administration advisor
    • Education:
      • High School degree or BA
    • Experience:
      • At least 1 year of cumulative professional experience in activities related to socio-economic inclusion of Roma and/or other groups at risk of social exclusion in the country.
      • At least 3 months of experience in providing career orientation / guidance and/or in improving employability and/or getting employment will be considered as a strong asset.
      • At least 6 months of cumulative professional fieldwork experience in activities related to socio-economic inclusion of vulnerable groups in/with the municipality where the applicant shall work.
      • Experience in development cooperation with the local business sector will be considered as and asset.
  • Qualification requirements and experience for the psychosocial/mediation advisor
    • Education:
      • High School degree or BA
    • Experience:
      • At least 1 year of cumulative professional experience in activities related to socio-economic inclusion of Roma and/or other groups at risk of social exclusion in the country.
      • At least 2 years of cumulative experience in provision of support to groups at risk of social exclusion through various activities for guidance and motivation.

How to apply

For more information, visit UNDP.