Call for Applications: Join the Global Fund Youth Council - NewBalancejobs
Internship Programme

Call for Applications: Join the Global Fund Youth Council

Call for Applications: Join the Global Fund Youth Council

Are you passionate about the role and contribution of young people in the fight against HIV, tuberculosis (TB) and malaria? The Global Fund Youth Council is looking for a diverse group of enthusiastic young leaders to drive its work for the next two years. If you’re between 18-25 years old and have a personal or professional connection to these health challenges, this is your opportunity to help inform the Global Fund on actual and changing needs and priorities of young people from around the world.

The Global Fund Youth Council serves as an advisory body to the Executive Director and the Global Fund Secretariat on matters pertaining to young people affected by the three diseases. Comprising 12 members, the council provides insights and relays critical issues and contextual nuances from across countries eligible to receive Global Fund allocations. It works to ensure that the Global Fund is informed by the unique needs and perspectives of young people, to maximize the impact of Global Fund investments to fight HIV, TB and malaria.

Apply Also: Small Project and Support Fund Program (Component 2)

Table of Contents

  • The following priorities were defined by consensus among current Youth Council members.
    • Current Technical Priorities: 
      • Disaggregated data: Ensure the Global Fund partnership consistently champions and collects disaggregated data (including by age, sex, and gender) to inform adolescent and youth programs.
      • Ensure safe spaces in Global Fund processes for youth engagement at the country-level: This includes young members of key populations, who may have overlapping identities and vulnerabilities. This can be supported through peer-to-peer learning, mentorship and technical assistance to support young people to engage and build their skill sets to effectively advocate for youth priorities in decision-making spaces.
      • Psychological support: Support for young people, especially for young key population leaders, in countries experiencing ongoing safety and security issues, to the extent possible.
      • Women and girls: Continue to support gender equality and other key partnerships and facilitate opportunities for young women and girls to come together to agree on their priorities and more actively engage in decision-making spaces.
      • Advocate to ensure access to services: Leverage the unique and comparative advantage of youth-led organizations and networks at the country level to deliver services through Global Fund grants and strategic initiatives. Where necessary invest in capacity strengthening of youth-led organizations and networks to expand reach, especially for young key and vulnerable populations.
    • Advocacy Priorities: 
      • Meaningful youth engagement with both the Executive Director and at country level.
      • Formalize the participation of young people, including advocating for representation of key population and adolescent girls and young women in Country Coordination Mechanisms, to ensure that they are engaged in a meaningful and ethical manner in country level governance processes.
      • Meaningful youth engagement in the Eighth Replenishment of the Global Fund, including through engagement in the implementation of the Advocacy Roadmap, advocacy to develop a more positive narrative, counter the anti-rights attacks and increase funding for communities and civil society, with a focus on youth-led funding. Advocate for increased accountability and adherence to the minimum human rights standards in grant agreements in countries that violate human rights.
Why Join?
  • As a member of the Youth Council, you will:
    • Advise on key issues impacting young people related to HIV, TB and malaria.
    • Engage with Global Fund senior leadership and Board constituencies.
    • Coordinate with global and regional youth-led networks to advocate for youth-driven priorities, especially for key and vulnerable populations.
    • Have the opportunity learn more about the Global Fund partnership and enhance your leadership and advocacy skills.
Term and Participation
  • Membership term: 24 months.
  • Participation: Remote with one annual in-person meeting anticipated.
  • Ensure regular communication between the members of the Youth Council, the Global Fund Executive Director, the Global Fund Secretariat, the constituencies of the Global Fund Board, and others.
  • Strengthen links and coordination with global and regional youth networks and other relevant stakeholders.
  • Increase the recognition of the Global Fund’s Youth Council and its advocacy priorities through regular interaction with the Global Fund Secretariat and Board.
  • Advocate for building capacity of young activists for organizing, resource mobilization and implementing effective action in response to the three diseases.
Eligibility Criteria
  • Born in 1998 or later.
  • Engaged with national or regional youth organization, network, or groups working in HIV, TB or malaria responses or related fields e.g. gender, human rights, pandemic preparedness and response or universal health care.
  • Ability to commit at least 2 hours per week for Youth Council activities.
  • Ability to work and communicate in English.
  • Internet access.
  • A recommendation letter from an authorized person of their organization, network, group and/or an affiliated partner organization.
  • Connection to, or understanding of, Global Fund supported activities and/or related national, regional or global processes.
  • Please note that for 2024 applications they are prioritizing young people from the following disease areas and geographical regions:
    • Malaria: Asia Pacific and Francophone Africa
    • TB: Asia Pacific and Latin American and Caribbean
    • HIV: MENA (Middle East and North Africa)
  • Though they are prioritizing these regions, they encourage you to apply if you fit the youth member criteria!

How to Apply

For more information, visit The Global Fund.

Deadline: 31-Jul-2024