Full List of Jobs That Start With Y - NewBalancejobs
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Full List of Jobs That Start With Y

Are you interested in exploring jobs that start with the letter Y? Or, are you looking for a career change and want to know what options you have? If so, you’ve come to the right place.

In this blog post, we’ll look at a comprehensive list of all the jobs that start with the letter Y. 

We’ll provide a brief overview of each job, and what it entails, so you can decide which is right for you. Let’s get started.

Full List of Jobs That Start With Y

1. Youth Worker 

A youth worker is responsible for assisting young people in their everyday lives and providing guidance and support on educational, recreational, and career-related matters. 

However, they can be employed by government programs, youth organizations, or other non-profit organizations.

Furthermore, they typically make around $35,000-$45,000 annually, depending on experience and location. 

2. Yacht Captain 

A yacht captain manages and operates a vessel and its crew while ensuring safety and security on board. 

However, they must have experience operating boats, navigation, and applicable maritime regulations.

Furthermore, the job typically comes with an average salary of around $50,000-$80,000 annually, depending on the size and type of vessel. 

3. Youth Mentor 

A youth mentor assists children and teens in developing and achieving personal goals in life, often focusing on educational and social issues. 

They may also provide advice and guidance, help create study plans, encourage positive behavior, and more. 

In addition, this is one of the most impactful jobs that start with Y.

The pay scale for this role varies widely based on employer and geographical region, but it usually falls between $25,000 and $60,000 per year. 

4. Yoga Instructor 

Certified yoga instructors are trained to teach individuals about stretching and relaxation techniques through classes, one-on-one sessions, and workshops. 

However, their goal is to create safe environments where students can practice yoga safely and without risk of injury. 

The salary range varies, but most instructors can earn between $30,000 and $90,000 per year. 

5. Youth Sports Coach 

This position involves teaching children the basics of basketball, soccer, baseball, etc., through drills and practice sessions. 

However, Coaches earn between $15,000 to $40,000 annually, depending on experience and team level.

6. Yard Manager 

Yard managers oversee various outdoor activities such as mowing, planting trees and shrubs, fertilizing lawns, laying sod, and more. 

They must also be knowledgeable about plants, soils, fertilizers, irrigation systems, etc., and possess excellent communication skills. 

However, pay scales vary from company to company, but yard managers typically make anywhere from $35,000 to $65,000 annually. 

7. Yarn Spinner 

People who specialize in spinning yarn from wool, cotton, or other fibers can find employment as yarn spinners. 

The job entails working with raw materials and transforming them into yarn which will then be used to produce clothing and other items. 

It’s also one of the jobs that start with Y that don’t need any formal education.

However, depending on the type of materials used and the complexity of the process, yarn spinners can expect to make anywhere from $20,000 to $75,000 per year. 

8. Yak Herder 

Yak herders care for yaks, including feeding, herding, and general care. 

Generally speaking, these professionals work outdoors in all types of weather and terrain. 

They must also be knowledgeable about yak physiology and how to treat common medical ailments. 

However, Yak herders usually make around $30,000 to $50,000 annually, depending on the number of yaks under their care. 

9. Youth Counselor 

Youth counselors help teenagers and pre-teens deal with behavioral and emotional issues at home and school. 

Counselors provide individualized assessments, referrals, advocacy services, therapy, and mental health education. 

However, most counselors hold a Master’s Degree in counseling and can expect to make anywhere from $30,000 to $75,000 per year, depending upon specialization and geographic area. 

10. Yacht Broker 

Those interested in sales and negotiation may consider becoming a yacht broker. 

The broker is responsible for matching buyers with sellers and negotiating prices for boats. 

However, as brokers are typically paid on a commission basis, they can expect to make anywhere from $40,000 to $100,000 annually. 

Additionally, they can obtain access to exclusive marinas and even travel internationally for business trips. 

11. Yodeler 

Yodeling is an ancient vocal technique used by cowboys and shepherds in some parts of Europe and North America. 

Today, some professional singers specialize in this craft and perform it for special events and concerts. 

Often, they also give lessons to those looking to learn the art of yodeling. 

Professional yodelers require talent, dedication, and plenty of practice before taking on gigs. 

It’s one of the jobs that start with Y that don’t require any formal education just natural talent.

Yodelers typically charge between $25 and $200 per hour for performances or lessons, making an average salary between $20,000 and $80,000 annually, depending on experience. 

Furthermore, dedicated yodelers may also participate in regional or national competitions to further their craft and build recognition.

12. Yard Laborers 

Yard Laborers are responsible for performing tasks related to the upkeep of outdoor areas in residential and commercial properties. 

These duties include mowing, trimming, edging, weeding, planting, and raking. 

Yard Laborers also help clean up fallen leaves, debris, and other materials from sidewalks, streets, and other areas. 

They may also water plants or flowers and check for pests or infestations.

The salary for Yard Laborers can vary depending on experience and location. 

However, the median annual salary is approximately $28,940.


Many jobs start with the letter Y from Youth Counselors and Youth Service Workers to Yogurt Specialists and Yardmasters, there is something for everyone.

However, each job brings unique benefits and rewards for those who choose it as their profession. 

Whatever your chosen profession is, make sure it is something you are passionate about and believe in.