National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)
Lead Consultant at the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA). Please ensure you read the job requirements before applying for this position.
NACA is an organisation charged with the responsibility of facilitating the development and management of the policies and strategies of all sectors to ensure the human, financial and organizational resources to support the successful execution of the national HIV/AIDS response programme in Nigeria.
We are recruiting to fill the position below:
Job Title: Lead Consultant for the Review and Validation of Guidelines / SOPS, Handbook and other GHR Job Aids for HIV & TB Programmes Background
Location: Nigeria
Employment Type: Contract
Duration: 20 Days
Funding source: Global Fund
- The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) has received funding from Global Fund in continuance of the pursuit of its statutory responsibilities for HIV/AIDS treatment, care & Support and strengthening of health systems in Nigeria by further addressing the gaps in the National HIV prevention and treatment program.
- In its efforts to achieve and strengthening of community routine monitoring and surveillance system for the non-health sector the Agency is therefore, seeking for qualified professionals who specialized in Reviewing and Validation of Guideline/SOP, Handbook and other GHR Job Aids for HIV & TB Programmes.
- In compliance with the provisions of the Public Procurement Act 2007, the Agency, therefore invites technical proposal and Priced Quotations from reputable consultants for the immediate engagement of their services.
Terms of Reference for Feasibility Study on Medically Assisted Therapy (MAT) Background
- It is evident that human rights have serious implications for the spread and impact of HIV on individuals and communities. A lack of respect for human rights fuels the spread and exacerbates the impact of HIV. Thus, the nexus between HIV and human rights is demonstrated in its disproportionate incidence and spread among certain groups which, depending on the nature of the epidemic and the prevailing social, legal and economic conditions, include women, men who have sex with men, people who inject drugs and female sex workers amongst others.
- With regard to programmes to reduce social-cultural, human and environmental barriers to HIV and TB services, interventions that will improve the knowledge, skills and coordination role of multisector structures (government and private sector levels) on gender, patient rights into institutional programmes and services are required. Addressing these barriers will improve access to and utilization of HIV and TB services by general, key and vulnerable populations.
- The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) is collaborating with partners plans to review programming tools for the provision of safety security, access to justice including setting up a functional paralegal system, emergency assistance for KPs, PLHIV, AGYW and other HIV & TB vulnerable groups for accessing shelter, food, clothing, medical and legal services as might be needed in the HIV/AIDS response in Nigeria.
Tasks for the Consultant
Under the technical guidance and overall supervision of the Community Prevention and Care Support Department:
The Lead Consultant will:
- Facilitate preliminary discussions during the review and validation workshops for all the documents
- Ensure the consultants collate comments and recommendations of all relevant stakeholders for all the required programming documents
- Work with each consultant, harmonize and ensure due diligence on all the documents.
- Drafting of workshops reports reflecting recommendations
- Harmonize and ensure due diligence for all relevant documents.
Expected Deliverables
- Availability of guidelines/SOPs for the provision of safety security, access to justice, legal literacy, emergency assistance funds for KPs, PLHIV & AGYW service providers, service users for KPs, PLHIV & AGYW & other HIV & TB vulnerable groups
- Availability of GHR SBCC materials for KPs, PLHIV & AGYW service providers, service users for KPs, PLHIV & AGYW & other HIV & TB vulnerable groups in communities in appropriate languages and for online trainings
Experience / Qualifications
The requisite qualifications of the Lead Consultant shall include the following:
- Doctorates Degree in the Social Sciences and/or Public Health with relevant specialization including Gender, Human Rights, Law, Psychology, Diversity Studies, or Sexual and Reproductive Health
- At least 8 years’ experience in HIV/ key populations and must be familiar with health and non-health sector in HIV/AIDS and TB programming
- At least 5 years’ experience in HIV / key population must be familiar with safety and security, access to justice, legal literacy, GHR IEC materials development in appropriate languages, expert in online modules respectively.
- Demonstrate good understanding of the HIV/AIDS, KP programming in sub-Saharan Africa and in Nigeria in particular.
- Should have undertaken at least one (1) similar assignment in the last two years with letter of engagement as evidence.
- Ability to communicate ideas in a manner conducive to their practical application and comfortable working as part of a team to add value to collective results
Duration of the Consultancy
- Each consultant shall work over a period of 20 days to deliver on the assigned tasks.
Additional Information
- The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) will make available the necessary documents and reports and other information concerning this assignment.
- You may obtain additional information at the following Agency’s address.
The consultant will be paid based on the approved Global Funds budget for all the activities on a verified report after the completion of the assignment.
Application Closing Date
Wednesday; 24th August, 2022 (12 noon).
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Technical Proposals with the requested documents to the address below:
Attention: Head Procurement,
National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA),
Ground Floor Room 1.08,
No. 3 Zinguinchor Street, Beside AEDC Office,
Wuse Zone 4,
Abuja, Nigeria.
Click Here for More Information
While submitting the Technical Proposal, the Applicant shall, in particular, ensure to attach the following:
- Terms of Reference;
- Curriculum Vitae;
- Bid for submitting the Proposal;
- Form for Observations of the Consultant on the Terms of Reference;
- Breakdown of Activity / cost estimate.
Guidelines for Submission and Opening of Documents
- Applications must be in English Language and submitted in three (3) hard copies each (one original & two copies) of the requested documents and proposal.
- The documents shall then be enclosed and sealed in one (1) single outer envelope, and clearly marked at the topmost right corner “Reviewing and Validation of Guideline/SOP, Handbook and other GHR Job Aids for HIV & TB Programmes” and the Name, Address, Email and Phone Number of the Consultant boldly written at the back of the envelope, with acknowledgement to NACA office at the address above.
- Position applying for should be indicated as Lead Consultant.
Global Fund Code of Conduct
- You shall get acquainted with the global fund code of conduct for suppliers using this link below: https://www.theglobalfund.org/media/3275/corporate_codeofconductforsuppliers_policy_en.pdf
- Accepting this invitation shall serve as an acknowledgement and agreement to abide by the Global Fund Code of Conduct for Suppliers.
Notes / Disclaimer
- Late submissions will not be accepted.
- NACA shall verify any or all documents and claims made by applicants and will disqualify consultants with falsified documents and claims.
- If it is determined that submitted documents and claims have been falsified, the consultant may face prosecution in a court of Law.
- NACA shall not be held responsible for any disqualified proposal as a result of any omission or deletion relating to the submission guidelines.
- This advertisement shall not be construed a contract to any Consultant, nor shall it entitle any Consultant submitting documents to claim any indemnity from NACA.
- NACA is not bound to shortlist any Consultant, and reserves the right to annul the bidding process at any time without incurring any liabilities or providing reason
- Submission(s) received will be opened immediately after closing at NACA Conference Room in the presence of consultants that choose to attend.