National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA)
CCM Ethics Officer at the National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA). Please ensure you read the job requirements before applying for this position.
The National Agency for the Control of AIDS (NACA) (formerly National Action Committee on AIDS) was established in February 2000 to coordinate the various activities of HIV/AIDS in the country.
We are recruiting to fill the position of:
Job Title: CCM Ethics Officer
Location: Abuja
- The Country Coordinating Mechanisms (CCMs) are the embodiment of one of the Global Fund’s founding principles, Country Ownership and as the main multi-stakeholder governance body for Global Fund investments at the country level, CCMs play several key roles, including creating funding requests, nominating Principal Recipients and overseeing grant implementation.
- In carrying out their work, CCMs have to follow the highest standards of ethics and integrity since ethical and responsible decision-making by CCMs is key for the success of Global Fund programs in countries.
- Therefore, CCM members need to apply the highest standards of conduct in their work to prevent, detect, and respond to conflicts of interest, unethical conduct, and prohibited practices, as ethics and good governance contribute to our ability to deliver on our mission to eradicate the three diseases.
- Evidence and experience illustrate that improved ethical conduct and conflict of interest management lead to greater trust and improvements in CCM functioning, and contribute towards more robust funding requests, improved grant oversight and ultimately better programmatic performance and health impact.
- CCMs are required by the CCM Policy through Eligibility Requirement 6 to: approve and adopt the Code of Ethical Conduct for CCM members; develop or update, as necessary, and publish a conflict-of-interest policy that applies to all CCM members, alternates and CCM Secretariat staff; and enforce the Code of Ethical Conduct and apply the conflict-of-interest policy throughout the life of Global Fund grants. Additionally, CCMs must ensure new members are trained on the Code, obtain certification from all members that they have complied with, and commit to continue to comply with the Code and either appoint one CCM member as an Ethics Focal Point or, create an Ethics Committee.
- To support CCMs, the Global Fund is funding a CCM Ethics Officer role, as a part-time position within the CCM Secretariat. The role of the CCM Ethics Officer is to support the Operations function of the CCM, which includes ensuring Ethical leadership and conduct.
- The CCM Ethics Officer should also serve as the Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH) Focal Point for the CCM.
Job Description
- The CCM Ethics Officer acts as the ethics function of the CCM Secretariat and reports to both the CCM Executive Secretary and the CCM leadership. The CCM Ethics Officer works with the existing CCM Ethics Committee or CCM Ethics Focal Point (depending on which one the CCM has in place). The CCM Ethics Officer is part of the CCM Secretariat and therefore cannot be a CCM member. For this role, the CCM Ethics Officer will be receiving guidance and support from the Ethics Office of the Global Fund.
- The role of the CCM Ethics Officer is to support the Operations function of the CCM which includes ensuring ethical leadership and conduct and to support the CCM in its goal to coordinate national disease programs at the country level, in support of ending the epidemics and achieving Sustainable Development Goal 3;
- to contribute to the strategic functioning of a CCM by promoting ethical conduct and decision-making in all CCM activities; to lead the ongoing enforcement of the Code of Ethical Conduct (focusing on conflict of interest management, ethical decision-making and behaviors) to support the Global Fund’s ethical values; and to support the CCM in its shared responsibility for preventing and responding to sexual exploitation, abuse and harassment and related abuse of power in the context of Global Fund programs.
The specific areas of responsibilities for the CCM Ethics Officer position are:
- Responsibilities related to Values and Principles driven actions & behaviors;
- Responsibilities related to Conflict of Interest (Col) management;
- Responsibilities related to Policies & Procedures;
- Responsibilities related to Accountability in case of alleged or reported breaches;
- Responsibilities related to Protection from Sexual Exploitation Abuse and Harassment (PSEAH)
Reporting and Communication Lines
- The CCM Ethics Officer reports to both the CCM Executive Secretary and the CCM leadership and liaises and coordinates as needed with the Ethics Office of the Global Fund, and other CCM sub-committees, CCM Secretariat Staff, the Country Team, the CCM Hub and the Principal Recipients.
Key areas of responsibilities
Objective 1 related to Values and Principles driven actions & behaviours:
- Monitoring CCM activities and deliberations to ensure the respect of the Values and Principles included in the CCM Code of Conduct;
- Ensuring ethics considerations are embedded in decision-making processes;
- Providing advice, ongoing guidance and support to all CCM members, CCM Leadership, Executive Committee and CCM Secretariat
- Ensuring all members are trained and aware of their role and responsibilities with training sessions and regular communications;
- Tracking the completion of the CCM Code of Conduct e-learning modules by all CCM members;
- Acting as custodian and mediator of ethical and governance matters to protect the integrity of the CCM as a whole, and resolving issues as they arise.
Objective 2 related to Conflict of Interest (Col) management:
- Ensuring all members have updated Col Declarations on record;
- Pre-screening meetings agendas against Col declarations; identifying perceived, potential or actual Col and informing the CCM Chair;
- Supporting the CCM Chair with managing and mitigating identified Col before, during and after meetings.
- Ensuring the appropriate documentation including Col declarations, meeting minutes and the management of these documents.
Objective 3 related to Policies & Procedures:
- Ensuring the adoption and implementation of the Code of Conduct by the CCM as a body, by all CCM members and for new members going forward, and documenting the adoption;
- Ensuring existing governance documents are periodically reviewed and revised as needed and endorsed by the CCM {by-laws, Col procedures and declaration forms) and that they reflect the CCM Code of Conduct.
Objective 4 related to Accountability in case of alleged or reported breaches:
- Ensuring CCM Code of Conduct breaches are appropriately and timely reported, addressed and documented;
- Promoting and supporting compliance with the Whistle-blowing Policy (Duty to Speak Out);
- Supporting the response to potential ethical misconduct, including advising on investigations;
- Initiating or supporting actions taken to prevent, manage and sanction CCM Code of Conduct breaches.
Objective 5 related to PSEAH:
- Supporting the CCM in its shared responsibility for preventing and responding to SEAH, child protection, and related abuse of power in the context of Global Fund programs;
- Supporting fund recipients in the execution of their PSEAH obligations and overseeing their ongoing adherence to the PSEAH requirements in the Code of Conduct for Recipient·
- Serving as the in-country point of contact for the Global Fund on matters of PSEAH and coordinating the PSEAH Focal Points at the Principal Recipient level;
- Acting as a “safe space” for in-person reporting of SEAH allegations and ensuring that the same exists across implementers;
- Where available, joining and participating actively in any in-country PSEA networks;
- Maintaining up-to-date referral pathways for victim/survivor support referrals;
- Liaising on victim/survivor support with the Global Fund’s Victim Advocate and In-Country Support Coordinator;
- Providing expertise on PSEAH to the CCM, including support and guidance to the CCM leadership;
- Organizing an annual PSEAH training for CCM members, with the support of the in-country PSEA network and the Global Fund
Performance Metrics
- All CCM members have adopted the CCM Code of Conduct within three months of becoming a member.
- All CCM members have completed the online trainings available to learn and new members have done so within six months of becoming a member.
- All CCM members are trained regarding PSEAH, and continued PSEAH training is planned at least one time per year.
- All in-country PSEAH meetings are attended by the CCM Ethics Officer, or an appointed deputy as required, and key relevant information is brought back and shared with CCM members at the following CCM meeting.
- All documents related to Col are accessible and regularly updated, so that they can be shared and accessed by the Global Fund’s Ethics Office as needed.
- If applicable, the CCM Ethics Officer ensures timely circulation of documents to support the Ethics Committee meetings; circulation of documents at least five working days before each meeting is considered best practice.
Candidate Profile
Qualifications Essential:
- Advanced Degree in Public Health, Ethics, Law, Public Administration, Business Administration, or related field.
Experience Essential:
- Solid experience in building and developing partnerships in political environments and in mediating complex issues and deliverables at country, regional and international level.
- Experience working in program planning and management and/or equivalent experience.
- Experience working in PSEAH or a related field, or in the prevention of/response to issues of misconduct.
- Solid understanding and experience of strategic, organizational, and management issues.
- Understanding of Global Fund processes and its funding model.
- Excellent written and verbal communication skills.
- At least 5 years of professional experience (international or national) working in planning or management in the humanitarian sector or public health or disease program management.
Competencies Languages:
- Working level of English as well as knowledge of the local language are requirements for this role.
Technical Skills:
Proficient in Microsoft Office applications, email, internet and websites.
- Robust understanding of Governance and Ethics matters.
- High degree of organization, initiative, political awareness and knowledge of public health issues.
- Strong inter-personal skills and proven ability to communicate and interact diplomatically with high-level officials from the government, NGOs, UN agencies, the private sector and in-country PSEA network members.
- Strong writing, presentation and communication skills.
- Previous experience and/or background with government or private sector desirable.
Period of Performance
- This is a part-time position and the period of performance and expected duration of the contract is at least one year renewable.
Application Closing Date
31st August 2022 by 5:00 pm.
Method of Application
Interested and qualified candidates should send their Curriculum Vitae and a Cover Letter to: [email protected]
Applications should be addressed to:
The Executive Secretary,
Country Coordinating Mechanism for the Global Fund,
Rooms 2.79 – 2.93,
Federal Secretariat Complex Phase 1, Annex 1A, 2nd Floor,
Shehu Shagari Way,
Abuja, FCT.
Click here for more information
- All applications MUST be received through mail.
- Hard copy applications will NOT be considered.
- ONLY shortlisted candidates will be contacted.
- CCM Nigeria is an equal opportunity employer and is dedicated to building an inclusive workforce where diversity is valued.