Information you should remove from your CV in 2025 - NewBalancejobs
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Information you should remove from your CV in 2025

There are definitely some information you should remove from your CV – Remember that a CV that you got in your current job will not necessarily help you get your next job.  Every professional step will require you to update your CV in some way. 

This is especially true if you haven’t been interviewed for a job for several years.  You may devote most of your energy to adding new skills and work experience, but eliminating experience can be just as important.

  In today’s competitive job market, employers receive approximately 250 job applications per vacancy.  95 percent of large organizations use software known as the Advanced Tracking System (ATS) to scan applications and eliminate the least qualified applicants.

  If your resume is among the 25 percent lucky apps that make it past the dreaded bots, it should still pass it with a recruiter or hiring manager.  With so many applications flooding their inboxes, it’s no wonder the average recruiter skips a resume for just six seconds before deciding whether an applicant belongs in the “no” pile.

What information should be left off of a resume?

  When your job application faces a six-second resume test, it’s important not to include information that will distract the hiring manager from seeing your true qualifications.  But how do you decide what to include in a resume and what to delete?  Here is a list of what you should not include on a resume.  Use this checklist to review your resume and make sure your job application avoids the pile of garbage.

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  Adding the correct information to your resume depends largely on how you view the resume.  You should see your CV as a brand document or marketing tool as it sells your skills, attributes, experiences, and capabilities to a potential employer.  You should not make mistakes between CV and CV.  Since a CV is not a CV, there is some information that you should not find in it.  You should rather focus on being short, smart, and interesting.  Writing a comprehensive CV is a way to reach yourself in your dream job.

Information you should remove from your CV

Irrelevant objective

  Today’s employers don’t care much about what you want, so when writing your goal if needed, it should focus on what you can offer rather than what you expect to get.  Your opening paragraph should be a powerful message that summarizes your background and indicates your best.  Your opening paragraph should create a topic that proves you are good at what you do and have a set of skills for the role you progress to.

Physical description

  Most of the time, it is not recommended to add personal descriptions to your resume.  Describing how it looks or even attaching an image to your CV may not be appropriate, as it can often be misunderstood by many people as showing off, and most of the time it is not seen as a professional for adding an image or personal bodily character to yourself in résumé because you may not be looking as good as you think, and it may even put you in a disadvantaged position.  You should always keep your resume professional and less personal.

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Embedded charts and images

  While these design elements may look beautiful to the human eye, resumes with images included become cluttered, or completely deleted from your application, after you pass through ATS.  Plus, recruiters don’t want a graphic – but subjective – view of your skills like the second resume I review in this video.  Save your creativity in your online portfolio and do not include photos in your CV.


  While there is some controversy within the CV writing community, a generally accepted practice is to refrain from referring to yourself by your name or personal pronouns such as “I”, “I”, “she” or “he”.  Save the first-person view of your profile summary on LinkedIn.  Instead, write your CV in what is known as the first absentee, where all pronouns of sentences are dropped.

Unrelated work experience

  You may have gained a lot of experience over time, but you don’t always have to add all of your experiences to your resume.  For example, you are applying for an engineer position and in your CV, you are adding your experience when you were working in a café where the experience is not necessary and necessary unless you want to continue in this role.

  On the other hand, there are experiences that you can add to your CV that may not be directly related to the job, but these experiences can only be added if they really show an additional skill that can help with the job you are applying for.

Personal circumstances

  Most of the candidates are extremely fortunate to experience a smooth career path, with most of us going through some bumps here and there.  The reasons for leaving your job have no place in your CV for two reasons.  First, your CV is a two-page document that is filled with the most relevant skills and abilities to show why you are a perfect fit for vacancies.  You don’t want to waste valuable space with detail that can convince a potential employer why it might not be that great.  This is especially important if you were fired from your last role.

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  Transparent exaggerations are a good way to completely take out your app.  Even if someone doesn’t immediately realize that you inflated your operating budget a little, you are more likely to run into the interview process.  The truth will come out;  It is better to make mistakes on the side of the truth than to make an attempt to make yourself appear more important than you.

Typographical errors

  Fatal errors such as typos indicate that you are not interested in taking the time to check errors and represent yourself professionally, so why would an employer expect you to do a good job of representing them?  Take the time to carefully review your CV for errors.  You don’t want a minor oversight to happen between you and your dream job.