Call For Applications: HumAngle Technology and Civic Impact Fellowship
Fellowship program

Call For Applications: HumAngle Technology and Civic Impact Fellowship

Call For Applications: HumAngle Technology and Civic Impact Fellowship

HumAngle Foundation has launched the HumAngle Technology and Civic Impact Fellowship to provide cutting-edge technology and innovation training to members of the civic society and other actors in the space.

The Fellowship will help selected professionals to leverage technology for actionable advocacy and accountability within public institutions.

The HumAngle Technology and Civic Impact Fellowship targets journalists, activists, and civil society members with a track record of excellence, drawn from Nigeria’s 6 geopolitical zones.

It will follow a two-part model consisting of a five-day in-person training in the FCT and a 3-month post-training period to allow the fellows to practicalize their learnings.

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Eligibility Criteria

All journalists, activists, and civil society actors who:

  • Are aged between 21 and 35
  • Are residents of Nigeria
  • Have at least 2 years of proven experience in advocacy, tech, research and data, impactful journalism, humanitarian activities and public policy.
  • Are employed in an organization of repute or affiliated with one
  • Have an interest in leveraging technology for social impact

Benefits of Participation

  • Opportunity to opt into a mentorship program for the duration of their fellowship depending on their projects and areas of expertise.
  • Access to a community of civil society actors across the 6 geo-political zones and professional resources.
  • Publication/feature of their projects on HumAngle Media.
  • Acquisition of skills in data-informed advocacy, AI/tech in storytelling and activism.
  • All expense-paid travel to the FCT for the 5-day training and an accompanying stipend for that duration.

Expectations of the Fellows

  • Commitment to a 5-day in-person training in the FCT and completing the 3-month program.
  • All participants are required to engage in one innovative project leveraging learnings on technology.
  • Monthly reports on the project development and execution.
  • Fellows are expected to develop their projects based on their passions and skills and build upon the Fellowship’s objectives.

Deadline: July 12, 2024

Click here to Apply