How to Become a Sex Toy Tester - NewBalancejobs
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How to Become a Sex Toy Tester

Being a sex toy tester may seem like a dream job for some, but it’s not as simple as it may appear.

It requires a specific set of qualifications, skills, and a comfort level with discussing and writing about sexual topics.

This article will dive into the ins and outs of becoming a sex toy tester, including qualifications and skills.

We will also discuss finding testing opportunities, the process, and tips for success in the field.

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How to Become a Sex Toy Tester: Qualifications and Skills

Education and Experience: It’s not necessary to have a specific education or degree to become a sex toy tester.

But some education or experience in a related field can be beneficial. For example, a background in sexual health education or a degree in human sexuality would be beneficial.

The following are some of the qualifications you need to become a good sex toy tester:

1. Knowledge of Sexual Health and Anatomy

A good understanding of sexual health and anatomy is crucial for a sex toy tester. This knowledge will help you to evaluate toys for safety, function, and effectiveness.

2. Strong Communication Skills

As a sex toy tester, you’ll need to communicate effectively with others in the industry, such as manufacturers and other testers.

You’ll also need to be able to write detailed and informative reviews of the toys you test.

3. Comfortable with discussing and writing about sexual topics

As a sex toy tester, you’ll be discussing and writing about sexual topics frequently.

Hence, it’s important to be comfortable with these discussions and not feel embarrassed or ashamed to talk about them.

Finding Testing Opportunities

Researching Companies

One way to find sex toy testing opportunities is to research companies that hire testers.

Also, look for companies that specialize in sex toys and do your research on their hiring process.


Another way to find testing opportunities is to network with industry professionals.

Also, attend events and conferences related to sex toys and connect with others in the industry to learn about potential testing opportunities.

Creating a Portfolio

Creating a portfolio or website to showcase your qualifications and skills can also be a great way to find testing opportunities.

This will allow potential employers to see your work and determine whether you would fit their testing program well.

The Testing Process

Understanding Criteria

Before you begin testing, you must understand the criteria you’ll use to evaluate the toys.

This will vary depending on the company or organization you’re working with, but it may include factors such as safety, function, and effectiveness.

Testing for Safety and Function

During the testing process, it’s important to evaluate the toys for safety and function thoroughly.

This includes checking for any defects or potential hazards and testing the toys to ensure that they function as intended.

Providing Feedback and Reviews

After testing, it’s important to provide detailed feedback and reviews of the toys. This may include writing a review of the toy’s performance and providing feedback to the manufacturer on ways to improve the toy.

Maintaining Confidentiality

Maintaining confidentiality agreements with the companies you work with is important.

This may include not sharing information about the toys you’re testing with others, discussing them publicly until they are released, and not sharing any confidential information about the company.

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How to Succeed as a Sex Toy Tester

To succeed as a sex toy tester, staying up-to-date with industry trends and new products is important. This will help you provide valuable feedback and reviews and stay competitive in the field.

2. Building a Strong Reputation

Having a strong reputation within the industry can go a long way in helping you succeed as a sex toy tester.

This can be achieved by consistently providing high-quality feedback and reviews and maintaining positive relationships with industry professionals.

3. Continuously Improving Skills

As with any job, continuously improving your skills and knowledge is important. This may include taking courses or workshops related to sexual health and anatomy.

It can also include product testing and staying informed about the latest industry trends and developments.

Frequently Asked Questions

What qualifications do I need to become a sex toy tester?

While you don’t need a specific education or degree, a background in sexual health education or a degree in human sexuality can be beneficial.

In addition, knowledge of sexual health and anatomy, as well as strong communication skills and comfort in discussing and writing about sexual topics, are important.

How do I find sex toy testing opportunities?

Researching companies that hire testers, networking with industry professionals, and creating a portfolio to showcase your qualifications are good ways to find testing opportunities.

What does the testing process involve?

The testing process includes understanding the evaluation criteria, testing for safety and function, providing feedback and reviews, and maintaining confidentiality agreements.

How can I succeed as a sex toy tester?

To succeed as a sex toy tester, it’s important to stay up-to-date with industry trends, build a strong reputation, and continuously improve your skills.

Is it necessary to have a specific education or degree to become a sex toy tester?

No, specific education or degree is not necessary to become a sex toy tester, but some level of education or experience in a related field can be beneficial.

Is it only for women, or can men also be sex toy testers?

Anyone, regardless of gender, can be a sex toy tester as long as they have the necessary qualifications and skills.

Are sex toy testers paid?

Yes, sex toy testers are typically paid for their time and services. The pay rate varies depending on the company or organization you’re working with.

How often will I receive new products to test?

This will vary depending on the company or organization you’re working with. Some companies may have a steady stream of new products for you to test, while others may only have a limited number of products for testing.

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Becoming a sex toy tester requires specific qualifications, skills, and comfort with discussing and writing about sexual topics.

It’s important to research companies that hire testers, network with industry professionals, and create a portfolio to showcase your qualifications.

The testing process includes understanding evaluation criteria, testing for safety and function, providing feedback and reviews, and maintaining confidentiality agreements.

To succeed as a sex toy tester, it’s important to stay up-to-date with industry trends, build a strong reputation, and continuously improve your skills.

While it may seem glamorous and fun, it’s important to remember that it’s still a job and requires hard work and dedication to succeed.

If you’re comfortable with the topic and have the qualifications and skills required, then being a sex toy tester can be a fulfilling and exciting career opportunity.