Full List of Decent Pet Insurance Plans - NewBalancejobs
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Full List of Decent Pet Insurance Plans

It is one thing owning a pet and a totally different thing to cater for it and the whole idea of getting a pet insurance cover for your pet is to prepare for possible challenging situations that may occur in the future.

In a situation where your pet needs some medical care or treatment, it becomes a burden when you do not have the required medical bill for its treatment. Assuming that your pet is insured by an insurance policy, you will be greatly covered and this way ease the stress and pressure of running around to pay for your pet’s medical bills.

There are various pet insurance plans and policies for pets you now must review the plan that is just right for you. In this article, our concentration is directed to Waggle pet insurance for you to review the policy you might need for your pet.

About Waggle pet insurance

Waggle came into the insurance market in 2018 and ever since the company has proved to its customers to be reliable.

This pet insurance coverage consists of just dogs and cats alone. Waggle pet insurance provides a reward policy for delicate care for your pet.

Policy options of Waggle

Providing coverage for both dogs and cats, Waggel also offers rewards for improving the care of your animal.

What are Waggel’s cover options?

Waggle pet insurance coverage isn’t so many but its policy stands out among other insurance policies you might have encountered.

Most pet insurance providers your pet insured for injuries obtained during an accident and not for cases where your pet might get ill. The insurance policy of Waggle provides life insurance coverage for your pet in cases of injury, sickness, or diseases.

What isn’t covered by Waggle

You must know what and what an insurance company is likely to cover before opting for it. Below are what’s not covered by Waggle pet insurance:

  • Pets that are below 8 weeks of age.
  • Filing in for claims within 2weeks of the commencement of the policy.
  • Treatment for inching and flea
  • Pre-existing health conditions
  • Making a claim within 12 months after treatment.
  • Euthanasia that is not yet confirmed by your vet to prevent suffering.
  • Cremation
  • Pets for breeding purposes
  • Breeds that are prohibited by the stated Act of 1991.

Factors that affect the cost of Waggle pet insurance

There are certain factors that the rate or amount you are expected to pay to get your pet insured by Waggle pet insurance and they are:

  • Your pets breed
  • The age of your pet
  • Previous or existing conditions of your pet
  • Your neighborhood and so on.

How to claim with Waggle

It is practically easy claiming with a waggle. You just have to know the process which waggle refers to as ’10 seconds claims’.

The steps to take are:

  • Log into your account and notify the agent of your claim
  • Inform them of the vet that procured treatment for your pet
  • Give directions on where the money should be sent.

After the above steps have been made, Waggle now must send a form to your vet to fill thereafter make the process of the claim.

Factors That Make Waggle Better Than Other Pet Insurance Companies

Lifetime policies: it is a comprehensive insurance policy that provides coverage for both you and your pet all through the lifetime of your pet.

Dental Cover: Waggle offers a plan for your pet’s dental health, unlike most pet insurance companies. Dental treatments such as extractions and fractions are also included.

Dog behavioural consultations: Getting your pet insured by Waggle, offers coverage for a free consultation for your dog by professionals in the field. You must understand that no pet insurance provider offers this plan to its customers.

Claim contribution: this policy is the same as the popular zero excess policy. It is the amount you pay for your claim in every condition, and year all through the time your policy will last. Customers are to choose how much they are to contribute as low as £0.

There are other benefits you can get by getting your pet insured by Waggle. The above-highlighted factors are few compared to the numerous services rendered by Waggle.


It is quite amazing that Waggle pet insurance has stood out among the numerous insurance companies in the market just within 3 years of operation. This alone proves that in the years to come Waggle will in no doubt grow to be rated as one of the best insurance companies in the world.

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