Fincad Women in Finance Scholarship Program 2024 ( Up to $20,000) - NewBalancejobs
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Fincad Women in Finance Scholarship Program 2024 ( Up to $20,000)

Call for Applications: Fincad Women in Finance Scholarship Program 2024 ( Up to $20,000)

The 2024 FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship Program is now accepting applications. The Women in Finance Scholarship is intended to uplift and assist deserving females in the finance industry, especially those who wish to work in fixed-income, derivatives finance, market risk management, or financial asset management.

Empowering Women in Finance

Calling all ambitious women in finance! The 2024 FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship Program is now open for applications. This scholarship program is designed to support and empower talented women pursuing careers in specific areas of finance.

Investing in the Future:

FINCAD, a leading provider of financial technology solutions, is committed to fostering diversity and inclusion within the finance industry. The Women in Finance Scholarship Program reflects this commitment by providing financial assistance and recognition to deserving female students.

Who should apply?

This program is ideal for you if:

  1. You are a woman passionate about a career in finance.
  2. You are currently enrolled (or planning to enroll) in a full-time Master’s or PhD program in Finance.
  3. Your academic focus aligns with the program’s areas of interest:
    1. Fixed-income finance: This involves managing debt instruments like bonds and government securities.
    2. Derivatives finance: This deals with financial contracts whose value is derived from underlying assets like stocks, bonds, or currencies.
    3. Market risk management: This focuses on identifying, measuring, and controlling risks associated with financial market fluctuations.
    4. Financial asset management: This involves investing client funds in various asset classes to achieve their financial goals.
  4. You demonstrate a strong academic record and a commitment to excellence.

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What does the scholarship offer?

The FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship Program awards a single, prestigious scholarship of US$20,000 to one deserving applicant. The scholarship is divided:

  1. $10,000 directly to the recipient: This helps cover tuition fees, living expenses, and other educational costs.
  2. $10,000 to your educational institution: This directly assists your chosen university in supporting your graduate studies.


To be eligible for the scholarship, you must:

  1. Be enrolled and attending a Master’s or PhD Finance program on a full-time basis
  2. Have commenced your studies no earlier than January 1, 2024 or no later than February 1, 2025
  3. Have less than 10 years of total work experience and less than 5 years of professional experience in the financial field
  4. Be a female citizen of any country who is enrolled in a post-graduate program in Finance at an accredited university


  1. Financial Support: Alleviate the financial burden of graduate studies and focus on achieving your academic goals.
  2. Recognition of Excellence: Gain recognition for your academic achievements and dedication to a career in finance.
  3. Networking Opportunities: The application process might connect you with FINCAD or other organizations in the finance industry.

A US$20,000 prize, half of which goes directly to the winner and half to the educational institution to directly help with tuition, is presented to one deserving woman each year to fund graduate-level studies in finance.

The scholarship program, formerly known as the FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship, was started in 2014 and has continued since Numerix acquired FINCAD in 2023.

Don’t miss this opportunity to take a significant step towards your financial goals and become a leader in the field! Apply for the 2024 FINCAD Women in Finance Scholarship Program today

Deadline: June 14, 2024 

Click HERE to Apply