How Much Water Do Eggplants Need? - NewBalancejobs

How Much Water Do Eggplants Need?

Eggplants are versatile plants that grow best when they have been watered and cared for. They require a high level of water supply as well as other factors that can aid the healthy growth of any plant.

But do you know how much water your eggplant needs to keep growing on a daily or weekly basis? Do you know how to retain moisture if you aren’t in a place where there is a constant water supply? 

If you have no idea about each of these questions, then don’t skip this article. Keep Reading as we will enlighten you on all the basic details about how best to care for your eggplant.

How Often Should You Water Your Eggplant?

Eggplant which is also known as aubergine or brinjal is a delicate, tropical perennial plant that doesn’t necessarily require too much water supply except when it has been planted or exposed to a hot climatic location.

It requires a constant watering of 1-2 inches (2.5cm) every week especially if it is still a seedling or in a growing season. The watering frequency of this plant may increase or decrease depending on the soil type and the climate conditions. 

For instance, if your eggplant was planted on sandy soil, you will notice that it absorbs more water than another that’s planted on loamy soil.

You are wondering how you will be able to determine when your plant requires more water right? It is easy to deter using two methods which are through the use of your finger and the use of a moisture meter.

Though, I will highly recommend that you get yourself a moisture meter as it will give you a more accurate answer than using your finger.

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A moisture meter will also help to monitor your soil and ensure that the soil doesn’t become dry up between watering.

You can also find out when you are very observant of your plant especially when the eggplant begins to wilt or if the leaves begin to curl, this is a sign that the plant needs more water.

Four factors will help to determine how much water your eggplant will need. They include:

1. Regional Climatic Conditions

If you are a gardener residing in any tropical location and you are planning to grow eggplant in your garden. You will be required to water your eggplant frequently to keep the soil moist at all times. This is because of the high rate of water being evaporated easily into the atmosphere.

Failure to water will only result in your eggplants experiencing underwatering issues.

Furthermore, if your garden is located in a colder region, you will need to reduce the quantity of water that you will spray on your eggplant. Failure to do so will cause your eggplant to be overwatered thereby exposing it to diseases. 

2. Soil Type

Another factor that you must consider when determining the amount of water that your eggplant might need is the type of soil.

All kinds of soil will require different amounts of water supply but the most important thing that you must bear in mind is that whichever soil that you use must be well-drained, fertile and can retain moisture. 

Soil that can’t retain water will only result in your plant experiencing underwatering.

Also, you must consider fertile soil because if the soil gets soggy, the roots of the eggplant will start to rot. You should consider growing your plants in a container if the soil and climate are proven hard to grow your eggplant.

3. Location Of Plant

The location of your plant is another factor that can determine how much water your eggplant will need.

There are two different locations where you keep your plant which are either indoor or outdoor.

So if you like to keep your eggplants indoors, then it wouldn’t require much watering as the plant wouldn’t absorb the water easily since it is in a container or pot. You should try to avoid overwatering the plant since the plant moisture can’t be reduced easily.

Consider using earthen pots formed from clay or plastic pots as they will help to keep your plants moist.

Unlike an indoor plant that doesn’t require much watering, an outdoor eggplant will require enough water as it has been exposed to sunlight. When watering them, ensure that you spray them directly into the plant.

4. Sunlight

Just as water is an indispensable factor in the growth of every plant, so does sunlight. 

Sunlight is another factor that you should consider as eggplants will require six hours of direct sunlight to grow and produce healthy fruits and food.

Though due to rising temperatures, moisture in the soil usually gets absorbed into the atmosphere in no time.

To avoid this from affecting the eggplants, you need to increase the number of times that you water your plants as well as mulch around it. Doing so will help to retain the soil moisture while the plant keeps growing healthy.

What Is The Best Time To Water Your Eggplants?

There is a saying that, “There is always a perfect time for everything,” this also applies to every plant, herb and fruit.

As for eggplant, the perfect time for watering is always early in the morning or in the evening when the temperatures are cool and there is a low rate of evaporation.

Though in my opinion, watering the eggplant in the morning is preferable since daylight can evaporate water from wet leaves thereby preventing fungus.

Also, if you notice that it is going to be a windy day, then skip watering your eggplant because you will lose half the water that should be absorbed by your soil to the wind.

Furthermore, you must avoid overwatering your plants as it will cause great damage to your eggplants. Some of these damages can be the infestation of pests and diseases.

Also, if you start noticing signs of your eggplant’s leaves looking so wilt or curling during the middle of the day, then it means that midday watering of your plants is necessary.

However, you should bear in mind that it is not advisable to water your eggplants during the day as the sunlight will absorb the moisture leaving the soil dry.

How Do You Retain Water In The Soil?

Eggplants require enough hydration at every point in time as it leads to a successful harvest. So if you reside in a dry area where there is a lack of constant rainfall or water bans, there are still necessary things that you can do to grow your eggplant.

Firstly, soak your eggplant and apply any of these methods according to your preference or choice. It will help to keep your plants moisturized for a longer time. These methods include:

A. You can spread plastic mulch around the base of your eggplants or 

B. Apply organic mulch, like hay, leaves or grass clippings of about 3-4 inches thick over your soil.

C. You can also make water jug irrigation. This can be done by punching small holes in the bottom of a plastic, gallon jug, and burying it in the soil next to your eggplants. 

Leave the neck out of the soil. Fill the jug with water and allow the water to gradually seep into the ground.

D. You can get a dripping hose that can slowly supply water to the soil.


1. How Long Do Eggplants Take To Grow?

Eggplants usually take up to 70 days after sowing the seeds to grow. They can be harvested when they are small, though allowing them to grow longer will mean getting a larger harvest.

2. How Long Does It Take For Eggplant To Grow After Flowering? 

Depending on the variety of the eggplant and also the region where it is being planted, it can take 50 to 80 days to mature after flowering.

3. How Many Eggplants Does One Plant Produce?

An eggplant can produce up to 4-6 large rounded fruit.

4. How Long Do Eggplant Plants Live? 

Eggplants can live for three years in very warm climates, like zones 10-12. But in other regions where they are mostly grown as annuals, they can only live for just one season.


Just like other vegetable plants, eggplant, which is one of the antioxidant plants, needs enough water to keep the soil moist and produce healthy fruits. 

So if you want to have a productive harvest at the end of your planting, then consider watering your plants mostly in the morning/evening and also care for them to avoid pests and diseases. 

We hope that this article has enlightened you on how best to water your eggplants. Do well to share your reviews with us.