Does Petsmart Groom Guinea Pigs - NewBalancejobs

Does Petsmart Groom Guinea Pigs

The Guinea pig animal is a beautiful companion that your children can have.

They are part of the rodent whose life span is between 7 to 9 years because it is a small pet, and you can take care of them well to your taste. 

 Did you know that these animals are so entertaining, especially when having fun with the kids; their personalities are different and unique?

In this article, we will be looking more at the Guinea pigs and how they can be groomed. 

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Does Petsmart Groom Guinea Pigs 

PetSmart offers many grooming products; despite this, they don’t groom guinea pigs.

For instance, the things they do include clippers, brushes, and bath powders.

However, with the available products mentioned, you can groom your guinea pigs yourself. 

Another thing you can do concerning your guinea pig takes it to a veterinarian to help you groom guinea pigs, which costs some money that will cover the feeding and health care of the pig. 

Steps in Grooming Your Guinea Pig Yourself 

If you decide to groom the guinea pig yourself will not cost you much, and it is effortless because it is a small pet that won’t trouble you at all.

Taking care of the guinea pig includes bathing, trimming their nails, and brushing. 

Now your guinea pig grooming should be done weekly to ensure the pig lives comfortably. Also, make sure you trim the and of the guinea pig every blessed month. 

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Brush Your Guinea Pig 

You need to make sure that you brush your guinea pig at least twice a week. When you do this regularly, it enhances the animal’s skin to be free from any form of diseases that might want to come over the animal or even infections. 

Doing this will help you checkmate your guinea pig’s health status; even when it comes across any parasites or develop lumps, make sure you see the vet before it goes out of hand. 

Furthermore, grooming your guinea pig will help you regularly brush the animal by doing it once or twice a week.

Especially that hairy guinea pig will always require special brushing to look neat. 

Also, you can get yourself a comb that is narrow-toothed and specially made for guinea bigs at the PetSmart or any pet store you wish to get it. 

Bathing the Guinea Pig 

You need to bathe your guinea pig every month during the summer and twice a month During the winter.

At PetSmart, there is particular water and shampoo that you can use to bathe your guinea pig, and don’t forget to spray your pet after bathing.

Lastly, the towel you use for cleaning your guinea pig should be sundry or a hairdryer during cold weather. 

How to Trim Your Guinea Pig 

To allow your guinea pig to keep on remaining healthy, you need always to cut the nails of your pig because the age of your pig will determine the growth of your guinea. 

When you cut the nails of the guinea pig will merit to be more active and have a good diet.

Make use of nail clippers that could be used for trimming the cats also.

Make sure that the guinea pig is not on your lap as you gently put it under your arm with a wrapped towel before you start clipping the guinea pig’s nails.

Perhaps, if you are two at home, you can tell the person to assist you by gently holding the guinea pig without leaving the pig and then gently clipping the nails. 

Make sure you trim the nails carefully, one at a time, without having any contact that can lead to bleeding.

That is why you need to be very careful when trimming it not to cut the body, which will make it bleed accidentally.

You can apply cryptic powder or styptic pencil and get the stuff at the PetSmart stores if this happens.

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Remember that PetSmart doesn’t do grooming services for guinea pigs, but they sell products you can use to groom your guinea pigs yourself.

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