develoPPP Classic Ideas Competition - NewBalancejobs
Competition in Nigeria | 2025

develoPPP Classic Ideas Competition

Call For Applications: develoPPP Classic Ideas Competition

The funding of projects with develoPPP Classic is decided within the framework of an open ideas competition. The competition takes place two times a year and is open to all companies that meet the program’s conditions of participation. Applications are submitted directly to one of the two implementing partners: DEG Impulse gGmbH and Deutsche Gesellschaft für Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH.

Participation requirements for the develoPPP Classic ideas competition

Your company is privately owned and profit-oriented and registered in the EU, EFTA or a country on the OECD DAC list.

The financial and personnel capacities of your company are commensurate with the project idea

Your project contributes to sustainable development and goes beyond an investment in your company’s core business

What is being promoted?

Through develoPPP, the German Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) supports socially and environmentally responsible transformation in the private sector in developing countries and emerging markets. Aspects of this include ensuring a sustainable energy supply and the more responsible use of natural resources, as well as fair participation for women in different economic processes, fair access to health care services and long-term food security. As part of the develoPPP Classic ideas competition, particular consideration is therefore given to project proposals that contribute measurably to improvement in these areas.

In concrete terms, this can mean:

  • Improving environmental and social standards in supply chains
  • Creating decent jobs and improved working conditions
  • Supporting women and marginalized groups, in particular, with careers and entrepreneurship
  • Implementing measures that contribute to climate change mitigation and adaptation
  • Taking measures to protect the natural environment, for example through sustainable cultivation methods, saving water in production processes, and avoiding and recycling waste
  • Creating access to health care services

Application Process

The develoPPP Classic ideas competition takes place two times a year and is open for six weeks before the closing dates of March 31 and September 30. Do you meet the participation requirements (PDF) and would like to submit a project idea? Then simply follow these steps:

  • Select DEG Impulse or GIZ as the implementing partner.
  • Submit a completed application via the develoPPP application platform.

The quality of each application is reviewed and evaluated individually on the basis of uniform criteria. A decision on whether to pursue the project idea in principle is usually made within six weeks of the submission deadline. You will then receive feedback directly from your chosen implementation partner.

If your project idea is successful in the competition, DEG Impulse or GIZ will support you in the next step in further concretising and shaping the project.

Deadline: September 30!

Click HERE to Apply