Have you ever wondered how stressful it will be securing your apartment without the aid of an agent? Yes, the same way it would be stressful navigating an accident case without an accident lawyer.
Reaching out to your insurance company or the insurer of the faulty party after an accident might be good, but you should have an accident lawyer. Remember, you know nothing about personal injury laws, neither are the faulty party on your side. The only person who will be on your side is your lawyer.
So, yes, it is worth getting an accident lawyer after an accident if you’d like to recover your financial losses. Typically, getting an accident lawyer does not mean you will be going to court or suing the faulty party, it is just the formality that needs to be done between your attorney, the faulty party insurance company, and you, or, if you are at fault, it will be between you, your attorney, your insurance company and the plaintiff attorney.
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Causes of Accident
There are various favors responsible for accidents, Few of them includes;
- Driving under the influence of drug or alcohol,
- Brake, or steering failure,
- Overspending,
- Distraction,
- Texting or calling while driving,
- Bad road,
- Overtaking,
- Poor vehicle maintenance,
- Fatigue or tiredness of the driver, etc.
Consequences of Accident
- Concussion,
- Whiplash,
- Disability,
- Disfigurement,
- Brain trauma,
- Scar/bruise,
- Cuts,
- Dislocation,
- Broken bones/ribs,
- Internal bleeding
- Loss of limbs,
- Loss of hearing or sight,
- Depression,
- Death, etc.
Why Do I need an Accident Lawyer?
Collection of Evidence
When an accident occurs, there needs to be evidence collected at the accident scene, police report as well as doctor report if you got any medical care after the accident. It won’t be easy for you to go through stress while you are unstable, an accident attorney will help you with this.
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Accurate Calculation of Damages
Your car might get crashed during the accident, it might need to be prepared or replaced, you might also need reimbursement for all the losses suffered financially. You might not know how to accurately calculate all of these to help you get reimbursed, however, an accident lawyer has been in the business for a long, so he or she knows how to go about the calculation accurately.
Mediating with Insurances
Remember, the faulty party employer and insurance company are not on your side, they are not happy to part with a large sum of money, so they would do anything possible to pay you less if you do not have an accident lawyer by your side. With an accident lawyer, you can’t be priced less, instead, you get what you deserve.
Represent in Court
Your case might not get to court, but if eventually, it does because the faulty party insurance company is refuting your claim or trying to bypass you, it might become a lawsuit case. It is dangerous if you represent yourself without a lawyer. So a legal representation in person of an accident lawyer is the right thing to do to win your claim.
Give Professional Advice
An accident lawyer knows the law, so he or she is capable of putting you through and easing every of your confusion all through the process so you do not make mistakes starting from your claim filing.
With an accident lawyer fighting by your side, you will be able to get full compensation for whatever injuries or damages you have suffered from during the accident. Most accident lawyers get paid only if the case is won, so to get paid, an accident lawyer will give his or her best to get your compensation.
SEE ALSO: How to Hire Good Car Accidents Lawyers
For sick people, it is worth getting a doctor. For students, it is worth getting a teacher. For footballers, it is worth getting a ball and a coach. For food, it is worth getting a cook. So for an accident, it is worth getting an accident lawyer.
For all of those listed above, you are bound to get the best, hence, when you get an accident attorney, your mind will be at rest while an accident attorney does all of the legal, paper, and legwork for you or your loved ones after an accident. You’d only be denying yourself if you refuse to get an accident lawyer.
Do you see why you need to get an accident lawyer? You have been afraid of hiring one, what is your fear? Share using the comment section.