Things to consider while changing careers at 50 - NewBalancejobs
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Things to consider while changing careers at 50

Although rigorous, switching careers in your 50s doesn’t have to be scary as you can actually make it enjoyable.

Earlier in life, I couldn’t wrap my head around why so many people who’ve reached that milestone made such a big deal of the event. I’m not going to say I’ve totally gotten it, but speaking to over 10 people who has have given me a level of understanding.

The one thing they’ve all highlighted is If they’re supposed to describe their life’s since I turned 50, it’d be “adjustment.” It seems they’ve to constantly make adjustments of different types and sometimes at a faster pace than they’ve ever had to prior to hitting 50. It takes them more time than most people imagine to complete certain tasks, given that they’re not as fast at recalling important names or events as they used to. If you’ve read till this point you’re either curious of what to do when you reach that milestone or have reached it and are experiencing some of these things mentioned above, and to continue enjoying a rewarding life, you’ve had to learn how to adapt to your advancing age.

How to start a new career at 50

The below thoughts have proved helpful to older individuals looking to change or start a new career at 50:

Know yourself

The first step of determining what careers to delve into is exploring your personality and what you need to be happy. This information is key for most people who’s hit the milestone, in making great career decisions.

Take time to think

If you’ve hit the milestone or about to, chances are you’ve had a little free time or the tendency over the last 20 to 30 years to take a stock of your life. To avoid the “If only I had or had not…” syndrome that so many older people suffer from, if you haven’t then this is a good opportunity to take time now to determine what you wish to do with your years ahead.

Seek professional help

You must’ve noticed how good you are at your own career. There’s no doubt you’ll agree that your valuable experience garnered over the years could be a great asset to your less-experienced colleagues. Now try understanding how much you would gain from seeking help from others, especially a career counselor who is experienced in helping people find the right career.

It’s not about the money

Yes, you saw it right, although you still need a decent income to afford life’s necessities and luxuries, money shouldn’t be a priority when making this career choice of yours. So you should focus on your personal satisfaction, talent development, and contribution to society.


It’s was commonplace during my conversations with 50 years old, to always talk about how important it is for them to maximize the development of their knowledge and skills. Mastering one’s own craft is the normal goal for most workers, either for its own sake or spiritual reasons.

Deal with the fear

As we all know change is constant and it’s never without stress and anxiety. Talk to your support systems, be it your spouse, children, friends, relatives and colleagues about the changes you’re going through and how they’re affecting you, seek their assistance and support if and when necessary.

Be realistic about what you can do

I’m not saying you should put away your plans of becoming the oldest president of the United States. But I’m saying you should set realistic goals, if you’ve not been a career politician, the probability of becoming the president is next to 0, so it’s advisable to put those kinds of dreams away and focus on a more achievable dream that you can and enjoy the success and rewards that can come from achieving them.

Don’t hate them because they’re younger

Don’t forget when you were young, how excited it made you feel to be part of the action and how great it was when someone older and more experienced helped you along? Now the baton has fallen to you to team up with younger people and help them every way you can. They need your help as much as you need them too.

Use your network

It’s advisable to refer to the acquaintances, friends, colleagues and relatives you’ve acquired over your lifetime for information and assistance when planning your after-50 career.

Consider all options

Most times, in a bid to meet all our criteria for an after 50 career, many people tend to limit themselves to certain roles, organizations, industries, and occupations. Don’t limit yourself to thinking of only full-time employment. Consider every option available to you like consulting, volunteering, temp work, part-time, and even self-employment. Ideally, the best option for realizing your financial goals would be merging of several of the above options.

Stay strong

Staying strong both mentally and physically is the best defense against the obstacles that inhibit older workers. Make it a habit to read books on positive thinking and as much as you can exercise on a regular basis.

Be flexible

Sometimes change is good, I implore you to learn to adjust and change when and where necessary. Understanding that you’ve become set in your old ways and how this type of behavior is conflicting with the times is the best way to remind yourself of the constant need to adjust.

A post-50 career can be your most enjoyable and rewarding career if you possess the right attitude. Only fight the battles you can win, ignore the rest and use your time where it counts most: Enjoy your family, through your work help others as much as you can and become the best human you can be.

Update your resume

Finally, we’ve come to a point where we discuss one of the most crucial points highlighted in this article.
when last did you updated your resume? As a general rule of thumb, you should your resume should be updated every six months. After all, the last thing you want is for your resume to make you look outdated. if you’re considering switching careers, you’ll require your resume tailored to your new career. 

Listed above are definitive steps needed when changing careers at 50.

  • Key Takeaway are
  • Perform a self-assessment.
  • Determine the career you want to pursue.
  • Identify the requirements of the new career.
  • Rebrand your professional image.
  • Create a career plan.
  • Create powerful resumes.
  • Be patient and positive.

After you’ve gone through this article, I’m confident you’d have a wholesome idea of what it takes to start a career at 50, thanks for reading and Good luck on your new career