U.S. Embassy in Qatar: Public Diplomacy Program - NewBalancejobs
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U.S. Embassy in Qatar: Public Diplomacy Program

The Public Affairs Section (PAS) of U.S. Embassy Doha announces the opening of a new Notice of Funding Opportunity (NOFO) for non-profit organizations and individuals to submit projects that strengthen ties between the United States and Qatar.

Program Objectives
  • All program proposals must:
    • strengthen U.S.-Qatar cooperation on global issues of shared interest;
    • aim to increase understanding of U.S. values and perspectives;
    • build relationships between Americans and Qataris; and
    • include an American element or connection with American organization, institutions, or expert (separate and beyond any involvement with the U.S. Mission, its American Corners, or its USG exchange program alumni).
  • Priority consideration will be given to proposals focused on at least one of these priority program areas:
    • Increase political and economic opportunities for women in Qatar.
    • Promote higher education and emerging technology linkages between the United States and Qatar.
    • Support environmental stewardship, mitigate climate change, and promote green technology.
Funding Information
  • Total available funding: $200,000 (Subject to availability of funds)
  • Award amounts: Awards may range from a minimum of $10,000 to a maximum of $100,000, though PAS encourages applicants to create proposals that are well below the maximum threshold of $100,000.
  • Length of performance period: 3 to 18 months
  • Number of awards anticipated: Multiple awards (dependent on amounts)
  • Anticipated program start date: September 15, 2024

Apply Also: The Agribusiness Challenge Fund For SMEs in Africa ( Up to US$ 2,500,000)

Eligible Projects
  • Examples of projects that address the priority program areas include, but are not limited to:
    • Education and youth leadership seminars that address the participation of key audiences in leadership positions;
    • Artistic and cultural projects, joint performances or exhibitions involving the work of U.S. and Qatari artists;
    • Cultural heritage conservation and preservations projects that promote collaboration and build networks between Qatari and U.S. leaders and organizations;
    • Professional exchanges, workshops, or conferences that strengthen the capacity of organizations or individuals to participate meaningfully in discussions regarding national and local policies;
    • Projects that activate or expand programming with American Spaces at Community College of Qatar.
  • Examples of standard output indicators include, but are not limited to:
    • Number of events organized
    • Number and reactions of participants, attendees, or people trained
    • Number of consultations
    • Social media and website visits insights (views, shares, etc.)
    • Testimonials of participants and organizers of events
  • Examples of standard outcome indicators include, but are not limited to:
    • Number of women applying for key leadership positions.
    • Number of U.S.-Qatar institutions and individuals collaborating.
    • Number of women in the workforce, politics, governance, arts, and civil society.
    • Presence of persons with disabilities, Deaf persons, or neurodivergent persons in positions of responsibility at organizations that serve their communities.
    • The number of women and girls or adults with disabilities trained in leadership skills, climate change adaptation/clean energy/sustainable landscapes/emerging technology.
    • The number of media reports.
    • The number of laws, policies, regulations, or standards proposed, adopted, or implemented.
    • Greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, estimated in metric tons of CO2 equivalent, reduced, sequestered, or avoided through clean energy activities.
    • Seed funds mobilized or venture funds advanced to women led business, especially those working to promote sustainable and environmental business practices.
    • Percentage of participants reporting increased agreement with equal access to social, economic, and political resources and opportunities.
    • The number of qualified Qatari citizens and residents studying and participating in professional exchange programs in the United States.
Participants and Audiences
  • Proposals must identity a clearly defined target audience that the project seeks to influence. Well-defined audiences are countable and accessible through the project’s activities. Proposals should specify the changes in knowledge, understanding, attitudes, or behavior change in attitudes or behavioral action that they seek with the project – and how they plan to measure these outcomes.
  • The proposals must impact or benefit at least one of the following priority audiences:
    • Qatari women and girls
    • Adults with disabilities or neurodivergent disorders
    • Qatari youth (through the university level)
    • Teachers and academic professionals
    • Entrepreneurs and small and medium-size business owners
Eligibility Criteria
  • The following organizations are eligible to apply:
    • Not-for-profit and community service organizations registered and operating in Qatar, including think tanks and civil society/non-governmental organizations with programming experience.
    • Individuals (Qatari Citizens and residents of Qatar) who are based in Qatar (recipient of an award to an individual is a single person, not an organization or a group of individuals).
    • Public and non-profit private educational institutions registered in Qatar.
    • Qatari Governmental institutions.
  • Please note: For-profit or commercial entities are not eligible to apply.
  • The following types of programs are not eligible for funding:
    • Programs relating to partisan political activity
    • Charitable or development activities, including fundraising campaigns
    • Construction projects
    • Programs that support specific religious activities
    • Lobbying for specific legislation or programs
    • Scientific research
    • Programs intended primarily for the growth or institutional development of an organization
    • Programs that duplicate existing programs

For more information, visit U.S. Embassy in Qatar.

Deadline: 29-Aug-2024