Gen F Entrepreneur In Residence 2024 For African startups ( Up to $250,000 ) - NewBalancejobs

Gen F Entrepreneur In Residence 2024 For African startups ( Up to $250,000 )

Call For Applications: Gen F Entrepreneur In Residence 2024 For African startups ( Up to $250,000 )

Exciting news for African startups! Gen F, an initiative facilitated by Founders Factory, is gearing up to invest $250,000 through its Entrepreneur in Residence program, providing a unique opportunity for founders to bootstrap their innovative ideas. Here’s a comprehensive breakdown of the program’s offerings:

Investment Details:

  • A $250,000 seed funding injection awaits selected startups upon successful pitching.
  • Founders will receive a budget for experimentation, enabling them to explore and refine their concepts.
  • Inclusion in the ‘Entrepreneur In Residence Venture Design Studio,’ a fusion of venture studio and VC models, delivering investment and hands-on support to early-stage founders addressing local challenges.

Read Also: FirstFounders Lagos Innovates Idea Hub Program 8.0

Program Features:

  • A 12-week sprint with the Venture Design Studio, offering a structured approach to refine startup concepts.
  • One-time budget for market validation experiments.
  • Collaboration with venture builders for concept refinement and preparation for the Investment Committee (IC).
  • Complimentary access to studio services for launching the startup upon approval.

Benefits for Selected Startups:

  • Specialized assistance in product development, UX/UI, data science, engineering, business development, and growth marketing.
  • Access to distribution channels, customer acquisition opportunities, pilot programs, data resources, intellectual property, and insights from corporate investors.

Who Can Apply:

  • Individuals with prior startup experience understanding the demands of developing startup concepts.
  • Subject matter experts with a unique understanding of the problem they aim to address.
  • Corporate professionals seeking a transition to entrepreneurship due to identified market gaps.
  • Seasoned operators with a history of working in African startups.
  • Visionary founders with well-researched concepts addressing profound African challenges in expansive markets.
  • Founders capable of dedicating full-time efforts to refine and validate their concepts for 10-12 weeks, subsequently transitioning into their startups full-time.
  • Ideas demonstrating substantial potential for commercial returns alongside inherent impact.
  • Founders positioned at the earliest stages of constructing their startup idea (pre-revenue).

Deadline: Rolling basis.

Don’t miss this opportunity to turn your innovative ideas into reality! Click HERE to apply and set your startup on the path to success.